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James Robertson

James Robertson (born August 11, 1928), a British-born political and economic thinker and activist, became an independent writer and speaker in 1974 after an early career as a British civil servant.

After serving on British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan’s staff during his “Wind of Change” tour of Africa in 1960, Robertson spent three years in the Cabinet Office. Following that he became Director of inter-bank research for the big British banks.

In the mid-1980s Robertson was a prominent co-founder with his wife, Alison Pritchard, of The Other Economic Summit (TOES) and the New Economics Foundation. He is a member of Feasta and a patron of SANE (South Africa New Economics Foundation), which was set up following his visit there in 1996.

In October 2003, at the XXIX annual conference of the Pio Manzu Research Centre, Rimini, Italy (closely associated with the UN), he was awarded a gold medal for his “remarkable contribution to the promotion of a new economics grounded in social and spiritual values” over the past 25 years.

Robertson’s recent books include:

Creating New Money: A Monetary Reform for the Information Age (co-written with Joseph Huber)

Click here to order a hard copy of the book. A pdf version of the book can downloaded free by clicking here.

The book was launched in the first Alternative Mansion House Speech – on Financial and Monetary Policies for an Enabling State – on 15th June 2000. For the text of the speech, click here.